Quarantine Day 16

The Twinkies are gone?!

The Twinkies are already gone. Along with what was left of our dignity.

Although, eating that much sugar in one sitting got me thinking about summer camp. One week of delicious food, crazy counselors, new friends, and strengthening my relationship with God every summer. That was the good life!

Since our lives will probably never be normal again, Camp Good News is hosting a virtual camp for everyone! Just a few things they are offering are crafts, Nature Center Critters, and Family Trivia Night. These are done through Zoom, and you can see information and instructions at their site, link at the bottom of this entry.

At least Miles got a taste.


Quarantine Day 14

I wasn’t going to start a diary. I’m not a diary kind of person. But a person can only be trapped in a house with one other person and two dogs for so long. I needed to talk to someone else. Anyone else.

Everything seems so dark. But it’s 8:20 pm, so that’s normal for this time of year.

One ray of hope did shine on my day. A single package arrived delivered by the one person I see consistently. The brave mailman, an unmasked hero walking courageously through this perilous time. A blue and white crusader, not the hero we deserve, but the one we need. He brought an apocalypse-worthy supply box. Hopefully, it boosts morale long enough to weather these uncertain times.

The Arrival

Click on the images below:



While we can’t meet in person, there are still ways for us all to stay connected!

Join our Sunday morning service online via streaming on Facebook or YouTube. Links to Elim’s pages are below.

Axis will meet 5:45-7:30 on Wednesday nights via Zoom!

Contact LJ or Rachel with any questions, concerns, or ideas. Stay healthy!

Facebook: facebook.com/elimonlineoasis/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChfHF8nM6yZ1RKhrRbRKZxA

Thank you, Judy!


Elim celebrated our secretary Judy’s retirement Sunday, February 25, 2018.













The elders presented her with some parting gifts, and Pastor Steve thanked God for all her wonderful work and the heart she brought to us all!














“Secretary” does not adequately describe how Judy blessed Elim.  She gave us just a small glimpse of that when presenting her successor, Sandy, a map of all the plungers!







Words can’t express how grateful we are for you, Judy!  Thank you!

Childcare Year-in-Review: 2015

First things first, we’re saying goodbye to several childcare volunteers, and I wanted to say THANK YOU for your contribution!  They have dedicated countless Sunday mornings to caring for our kids.  Also, they (along with all our helpers) dealt patiently with me while I made changes to the structure, location, and programming of our childcare systems!

In the last year or two, we made so many changes that I’m just going to start listing…

Turned Children’s Church into a more Sunday-School-like lesson

Split Children’s Church into 2 groups

Added a 3rd worker for the nursery

Moved rooms to accommodate the 2 groups

Created a Childcare Safety Protocol

Held training for 31 volunteers

Moved the nursery room & Children’s Church rooms again

Combined Children’s Church back into 1 group

Moved rooms again!

There are probably even more that I can’t remember, but now we enter 2016!  We’re welcoming a couple first-time volunteers and always working to evolve and improve our programs.

With all the excitement that comes with a new year, please keep me, our leadership team, and Elim in your prayers!  My prayer for 2016 is that we develop kids’ programs that are fun for kids & workers that enable closer and deeper relationships with God.

THANK YOU for everything in 2015 and please partner with us in 2016 to continue pouring the love of Jesus into Elim’s kids!

Volunteer of the Month – Nov & Dec, 2015

Tom Bivens and Sandy Parrott!


Tom Bivens works with Elim’s Jr. & Sr. High and College students in the Axis and Fusion groups.  He’s there for every youth group event, and always with a smiling face!

Tom also prepares and serves Wednesday night Dollar Dinners, even cleaning up afterwards!  His fun-loving personality (and delicious food) help Wednesday night dinners feel like a feast with family.

Tom contributes to Elim in a TON of other ways, and is always willing to help!


Sandy Parrott works with Elim’s children’s group, Spark.  Her sunny disposition and positive attitude make her perfect for bringing joy to our kids.

Sandy volunteered this school year when, in typical Sandy fashion, she saw a need and filled it!  She is always willing to help in whatever capacity she’s needed, and does so with an unwavering joy and servant attitude.

Sandy also serves in many other areas of Elim, including being a main liaison to our sister church in Monterrey, Mexico.

Thank you, TOM BIVENS and SANDY PARROTT, for being willing and joyful members of the Elim community!

Volunteer of the Month – October, 2015

Elim Students!


I know this is cheating and I hate to not recognize each Elim student volunteer individually, but I couldn’t possibly pick one!

Every week, Elim’s activities are possible because of these students’ willingness to serve.  As the year goes on, volunteers drop out, and other events pop up, these are the helpers I rely on the most!  They are always here when they’re needed, and work without complaint!

So, for all of this and more, thank you, Elim Students:  Abby Peterson, Amanda Dang, Elizabeth Smith, Kate Schaechter, Mariah DeArmond, Megan DeArmond, Michelle DeArmond, Natalie Nipper, Rachel Luong, Rachel Peterson, Rebecca Schaechter, and Thao Luong!

Since I’m really focused on kids’ ministry, these are the students on our childcare schedule.  There are plenty more students involved and helping out in other ways, but I don’t know about them!  If you work with students in your area, take a minute to say thank you!

Volunteer of the Month – September, 2015

Scott Fowler!


Scott Fowler has been co-leading Spark (1st-5th graders) with his wife for about a year now.  Not only did they volunteer to take over, but they’ve done a fantastic job with the program!

Recently, Scott has really gone above and beyond by recognizing a need in our kids’ lives and providing!  As a parent himself, Scott saw his kids being taught controversial topics in school before the church was addressing them.  He is working closely with Pastor Steve to create lessons on these sensitive topics to ensure that our kids are receiving a biblical perspective.

Scott has a great heart for teaching and children, and he’s utilizing them both to help lay a Christian foundation!

Thank you, Scott Fowler, for being willing to take on children’s ministry and brave enough to teach our kids what they need rather than what’s easy!

Volunteer of the Month – August, 2015

Lacey Wagner  and  Sheila Yoeckel!

I know I’ve been picking 1 at a time, and I hope these wonderful ladies don’t feel slighted by having to share month, but I couldn’t decide!

Lacey Wagner is relatively new to the Elim family, but as soon as she heard of a need, jumped right in!  She works in the nursery for our helpers’ kids on Wednesday nights and does it with joy and a smile!

Sheila Yoeckel is a long-time member of Elim, and makes innumerable contributions, but recently stepped up in an awesome way!  Sheila was planning on attending a class Wednesday nights, but heard that Lacey had a desire to attend and couldn’t since she works in the nursery.  Sheila instantly volunteered to take over the nursery for that time frame, and comes on Sunday nights for the class for herself.

These 2 wonderful women of God are such great examples of stepping up and filling a need that I couldn’t choose who to acknowledge first!  Thank you both so much for your willingness to sacrifice your time and energy to ensure Elim’s needs as a family are being met!

Thank you, Lacey Wagner and Sheila Yoeckel, for being committed members of God’s family at Elim!  I’m so glad to see such fantastic role models in our midst!