Childcare Year-in-Review: 2015

First things first, we’re saying goodbye to several childcare volunteers, and I wanted to say THANK YOU for your contribution!  They have dedicated countless Sunday mornings to caring for our kids.  Also, they (along with all our helpers) dealt patiently with me while I made changes to the structure, location, and programming of our childcare systems!

In the last year or two, we made so many changes that I’m just going to start listing…

Turned Children’s Church into a more Sunday-School-like lesson

Split Children’s Church into 2 groups

Added a 3rd worker for the nursery

Moved rooms to accommodate the 2 groups

Created a Childcare Safety Protocol

Held training for 31 volunteers

Moved the nursery room & Children’s Church rooms again

Combined Children’s Church back into 1 group

Moved rooms again!

There are probably even more that I can’t remember, but now we enter 2016!  We’re welcoming a couple first-time volunteers and always working to evolve and improve our programs.

With all the excitement that comes with a new year, please keep me, our leadership team, and Elim in your prayers!  My prayer for 2016 is that we develop kids’ programs that are fun for kids & workers that enable closer and deeper relationships with God.

THANK YOU for everything in 2015 and please partner with us in 2016 to continue pouring the love of Jesus into Elim’s kids!