Update on canceling church events

Dear Elim Family,

The elders just met, and we determined that, for the time being, we will cancel most all of our regular church events.  So, until further notice, assume that everything is cancelled, unless you hear differently from us.  

That said, we’ve got some very cool on-line opportunities coming for worship, Bible studies and fellowship!  So, as an initial step, please bookmark our church’s website:


Beginning this Sunday morning, we’ll have a link to share where you can watch an abbreviated worship service: Our Elim worship team leading three songs, Scripture reading, sermon, pastoral prayer and benediction.  

Our various ministry teams are looking into on-line options for doing life and ministry together, using technology.  We’re looking at creative ways to stay connected, worshipful, and growing, in our relationship with the Lord and with each other.  

I’m very impressed with our leadership!  And with everyone at Elim!  As I reiterated to Katie Clarke (it’s her birthday today, by the way!), y’all are an easy group of people to love!  

I’ll get you more updates soon!  For now, may God’s grace and blessings shower down upon you and yours!  Amen!
Love in Him,

Pastor Steve